UX Researcher
new doc 2019-09-17 21.11.27_17.jpg

Copy of marta


marta hackathon

Improving way-finding in atlanta’s public transportation 

The ability to easily navigate through public transportation without the use of a phone application is a fundamental yet overlooked element in creating a working transportation system. The purpose of this project is to create clear, concise and consistent signage and design language for Atlanta's public transportation system, MARTA. Users need to be able to trust the public transportation system so that it can become integrated into not only the lives of people living in Atlanta, but also those who visit. 

Won first place at the 2017 MARTA Hackathon in Atlanta, Georgia.

Examples of poor wayfinding on marta


design inspiration


concept sketch # 1

Screen Shot 2018-03-26 at 12.12.02 PM.png


Categorizes all informational signs into: 
1. Entering
2. Exiting
3. At the platform
And assigns a consistent method of information presentation to each category, using contrasting colors, numbering systems and symbols alongside text, transcending language barriers using clear design language. 


concept sketch # 2

Screen Shot 2018-03-26 at 12.12.07 PM.png

Our sketches are based off of signage systems that have worked internationally, such as in Sweden and Tokyo.


concept sketch # 3

Screen Shot 2018-03-26 at 12.12.11 PM.png

1. Easily accessible
2. Understood quickly
3. Intuitive